All the knowledge and skills to excel around the greens

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Test Your Shot Planning

A versatile and effective short game requires you to choose the best and easiest shot for the situation. This is in part, based on your knowledge of ball flight and roll percentages. Take the assessment and find out if you think like a pro around the greens.

Course Content

Short Game Mastery is made up of over 35 coaching videos, game assessments and specific drills.

  • Fundamentals: Understanding bounce, grind and the short game strategy
  • Basic Technique: Keeping it simple and mastering the fundamentals
  • Modern Shallow Technique: Learn how to build confidence in your striking
  • Greenside: What to do from close up 
  • Slopes & Lies: Learn to adapt your method to suit the situation
  • Pitching: 30 -100 yards
  • The Mind: Learn the key focus strategies that will keep you rhythm smooth and improve your strike significantly
  • Drills & Exercises: Breakthrough tasks that will change the way you think about chipping.
  • 6-Weekly Course: A structured guide with weekly drills and skills challenges

Take the Weekly Skills Challenges

As you progress through the Short Game Mastery course you will be given weekly drills and skills challenges. The challenges act as terrific way to 'gamify' your practise, so that it simulates game-play, while also acting as a measure of your progress.